Python Match Statement

Python 3.10 introduced the match statement, which is also referred to as the "structural pattern matching" feature. This feature is similar to a switch or case statement found in other programming languages and allows you to compare a value against multiple patterns and execute code based on the first pattern that matches. It's a powerful addition to Python that simplifies code readability and makes it more expressive when dealing with complex conditional logic.

Basic Syntax

match expression:
    case pattern_1:
        # Code to execute if the expression matches pattern_1
    case pattern_2:
        # Code to execute if the expression matches pattern_2
    case pattern_3 if condition:
        # Code to execute if the expression matches pattern_3 and the condition is True
    case _:
        # Code to execute if none of the above patterns match

- expression: This is the value you want to match against various patterns.

- case: This keyword introduces a pattern and code block for that pattern.

- pattern_1, pattern_2, etc.: These are the patterns that you want to match the expression against.

- if condition: You can add an optional condition after a pattern to further refine when that pattern should match.

- case _: The underscore _ acts as a catch-all pattern. If none of the previous patterns match, the code under this case will execute.


Let's create a simple example to illustrate how the match statement works. We'll use it to classify the type of a geometric shape based on the number of sides it has.

def classify_shape(sides):
    match sides:
        case 3:
            return "Triangle"
        case 4:
            return "Quadrilateral"
        case 5:
            return "Pentagon"
        case 6:
            return "Hexagon"
        case _:
            return "Polygon with more than 6 sides"

In this example:

- classify_shape takes the number of sides as input.

- The match statement checks the sides variable against different patterns.

- If the sides variable matches one of the patterns, the corresponding code block is executed.

- If none of the patterns match, the catch-all case will be executed, returning "Polygon with more than 6 sides."

print(classify_shape(3))  # Output: "Triangle"
print(classify_shape(4))  # Output: "Quadrilateral"
print(classify_shape(8))  # Output: "Polygon with more than 6 sides"

As you can see, the match statement makes it clear and concise to handle multiple cases based on a value, enhancing code readability and maintainability.

The Python match statement is a powerful addition to the language, especially when dealing with complex conditional logic and multiple branching scenarios.