Python Function Keyword Arguments

Sure thing! In Python, function keyword arguments allow you to pass values to a function by explicitly naming the parameters. This can make your code more readable and flexible, especially when dealing with functions that have a large number of parameters.


# Function definition with keyword arguments
def greet(name, greeting='Hello', punctuation='!'):
    Greets a person with a customizable message.

    - name: The name of the person.
    - greeting: The greeting message (default is 'Hello').
    - punctuation: The punctuation to end the greeting (default is '!').

    A formatted greeting message.
    return f"{greeting}, {name}{punctuation}"

# Using the function with positional arguments
result1 = greet('Alice')
print(result1)  # Output: Hello, Alice!

# Using the function with keyword arguments
result2 = greet(name='Bob', greeting='Hi', punctuation='.')
print(result2)  # Output: Hi, Bob.

In this example, the greet function has three parameters (name, greeting, and punctuation). The greeting and punctuation parameters have default values, making them optional when calling the function. When you call the function with keyword arguments, you explicitly specify which values should be assigned to which parameters.