
Level: Intermediate

1. How do you manage global state in a React application? Compare and contrast different state management solutions.
2. Explain the concept of Redux in React. How do you integrate Redux with a React application?
3. Describe the purpose of React Router. How do you implement nested routes and route parameters in React Router?
4. How do you handle forms with complex validation logic (e.g., asynchronous validation) in React?
5. Explain the concept of higher-order components (HOCs) versus render props in React. When would you use each approach?
6. How do you optimize performance in React functional components? Mention techniques like memoization and useCallback.
7. Describe the role of context API in React. How do you use context API to avoid prop drilling?
8. How do you handle side effects in React using the useEffect hook? Give examples of common side effects and their use cases.
9. Explain the concept of controlled versus uncontrolled components in React forms. When would you use each approach?
10. How do you implement server-side rendering (SSR) with React? What are the benefits and challenges of SSR?
11. Describe the purpose of lazy loading in React. How do you implement lazy loading of components and modules?
12. How do you integrate authentication and authorization in a React application? Discuss best practices and security considerations.
13. Explain the concept of higher-order components (HOCs) in React. Provide examples of how you can use HOCs for code reuse and logic abstraction.
14. How do you implement error handling and error boundaries in a React application? What are the best practices?
15. Describe the role of useMemo and useCallback hooks in React. How do they optimize performance in functional components?
16. How do you manage asynchronous data fetching and state synchronization in a React application using Redux and Thunk or Saga middleware?
17. Explain the purpose of React Hooks rules (e.g., use state, effect, context, and custom hooks). How do you create and use custom hooks in React?
18. Describe the concept of virtual DOM reconciliation in React. How does React optimize rendering performance?
19. How do you implement drag-and-drop functionality in a React application? Discuss libraries and native HTML5 APIs for drag-and-drop.
20. Explain the concept of PureComponent and React.memo in React. How do they optimize component rendering?
21. How do you handle routing and navigation in a React application with React Router v6? Discuss nested routes and route guards.
22. Describe the benefits of using TypeScript with React. How do you set up a React project with TypeScript?
23. How do you implement testing for React components? Discuss unit testing with Jest and React Testing Library.
24. Explain the concept of portals in React. How do you use portals for rendering components outside the DOM hierarchy of their parent component?
25. How do you handle state management and side effects in a large-scale React application using the Redux toolkit?
26. Describe the purpose of the useContext hook in React. How do you use useContext to consume multiple contexts in a component?
27. How do you implement animation and transitions in a React application? Discuss CSS transitions, keyframes, and libraries like React Spring.
28. Explain the concept of code splitting in React. How do you implement dynamic imports and lazy loading for optimizing bundle sizes?
29. How do you implement formik in a React application for managing form state, validation, and submission?
30. Describe the principles of state normalization in Redux. How do you normalize state shape and manage relationships between entities?
31. How do you handle SSR hydration and rehydration in a React application? Discuss techniques for efficient server-side rendering.
32. Explain the principles of progressive web applications (PWAs) in the context of React. How do you implement service workers and offline support?
33. How do you optimize rendering performance in React functional components using memoization techniques?
34. Describe the purpose of React Suspense and lazy loading. How do you use Suspense for data fetching and code splitting?
35. How do you handle nested state and props drilling in React applications? Discuss strategies for managing deeply nested component hierarchies.
36. Explain the concept of context switching in React. How do you manage multiple contexts in a large-scale React application?
37. How do you integrate React with state management libraries like MobX or Recoil? Compare these libraries with Redux.
38. Describe the principles of container components versus presentational components in React architecture.
39. How do you handle responsive design in a React application? Discuss CSS media queries and libraries like Material-UI for responsive layouts.
40. Explain the principles of form validation in React. How do you implement client-side validation using libraries like Yup or Formik?
41. How do you implement i18n (internationalization) and localization in a React application? Discuss libraries and best practices.
42. Describe the purpose of memoization in React. How do you implement memoization with useMemo and useCallback hooks?
43. How do you manage and optimize images in a React application? Discuss techniques for lazy loading and optimizing image loading.
44. Explain the concept of context providers and consumers in React. How do you use context to pass data through the component tree?
45. How do you handle component composition and reusability in React applications? Discuss higher-order components (HOCs) and render props.
46. Describe the principles of atomic design in the context of building UI components in React applications.
47. How do you implement form validation and error handling with React Hook Form? Discuss advantages over traditional form handling approaches.
48. Explain the principles of accessibility (a11y) in React applications. How do you ensure your React components are accessible to all users?
49. How do you integrate Redux with React functional components using hooks like useSelector and useDispatch? Compare with class-based approaches.
50. Describe the purpose of suspense in React. How do you use suspense for data fetching and code splitting?

Beginner Level: View

Advanced Level: View