
Level: Beginner

1. What is the Linux kernel?
2. Explain the concept of a Linux distribution.
3. Name three popular Linux distributions.
4. What is the command to list files in a directory?
5. How do you change the current directory in Linux?
6. What is the root directory?
7. How do you create a new directory in Linux?
8. What command is used to delete a file?
9. How do you display the contents of a file in the terminal?
10. What is the purpose of the chmod command?
11. How do you change the permissions of a file?
12. What is the difference between su and sudo?
13. How do you find out the current working directory?
14. What is the command to copy files in Linux?
15. How do you move or rename a file in Linux?
16. What is a symbolic link in Linux?
17. How do you create a symbolic link?
18. What is the ps command used for?
19. How do you check the available disk space in Linux?
20. What is the df command used for?
21. Explain the purpose of the top command.
22. How do you search for a specific text in files?
23. What is the grep command used for?
24. How do you display the first few lines of a file?
25. How do you display the last few lines of a file?
26. What is the purpose of the man command?
27. How do you install software on a Debian-based system?
28. How do you update the package list on a Debian-based system?
29. How do you check the current system date and time?
30. What is the uname command used for?
31. What is the command to display the manual page of a specific command?
32. How do you change the owner of a file?
33. What is the command to display the running processes?
34. How do you terminate a process in Linux?
35. What is the purpose of the alias command?
36. How do you create a new user in Linux?
37. How do you delete a user in Linux?
38. What is the default shell in most Linux distributions?
39. How do you display the current user's username?
40. What is the passwd command used for?
41. How do you change the group ownership of a file?
42. What is the purpose of the /etc/passwd file?
43. How do you display the contents of a directory including hidden files?
44. What is the tar command used for?
45. How do you extract a tarball archive?
46. What is the apt-get command used for?
47. How do you search for packages in a Debian-based system?
48. What is the ping command used for?
49. How do you check the network configuration of your system?
50. What is the ifconfig command used for?
51. How do you add a new group in Linux?
52. What is the purpose of the /etc/fstab file?
53. How do you mount a filesystem in Linux?
54. How do you unmount a filesystem?
55. What is the crontab command used for?
56. How do you schedule a task to run at a specific time using cron?
57. What is the ssh command used for?
58. How do you connect to a remote server using SSH?
59. What is the purpose of the /var/log directory?
60. How do you view system logs in Linux?

Intermediate Level: View

Advanced Level: View