
Level: Beginner

1. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree: Find the maximum depth of a binary tree.
2. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree: Find the minimum depth of a binary tree.
3. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal: Perform a level order traversal of a binary tree.
4. Symmetric Tree: Check if a binary tree is symmetric.
5. Path Sum: Determine if there exists a path from the root to a leaf node that sums to a given target sum.
6. Invert Binary Tree: Invert a binary tree.
7. Binary Tree Paths: Return all root-to-leaf paths in a binary tree.
8. Subtree of Another Tree: Check if a binary tree is a subtree of another binary tree.
9. Same Tree: Determine if two binary trees are identical.
10. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree: Convert a sorted array to a height-balanced binary search tree.
11. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum: Find the maximum path sum between any two nodes in a binary tree.
12. Lowest Common Ancestor of Binary Tree: Find the lowest common ancestor (LCA) of two nodes in a binary tree.
13. Diameter of Binary Tree: Find the diameter of a binary tree (longest path between any two nodes).
14. Balanced Binary Tree: Determine if a binary tree is height-balanced.
15. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal: Build a binary tree from its preorder and inorder traversal sequences.
16. Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal: Build a binary tree from its inorder and postorder traversal sequences.
17. Binary Tree Right Side View: Return the right side view of a binary tree.
18. Binary Search Tree Iterator: Implement an iterator for a binary search tree (BST).
19. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List: Flatten a binary tree into a linked list in place.
20. Validate Binary Search Tree: Determine if a given binary tree is a valid binary search tree (BST).
21. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal: Perform a zigzag level order traversal of a binary tree.
22. Sum of Left Leaves: Compute the sum of all left leaves in a binary tree.
23. Find Bottom Left Tree Value: Find the leftmost value in the last row of a binary tree.
24. Binary Tree Tilt: Calculate the tilt of a binary tree (sum of absolute differences of node values).
25. Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence: Find the length of the longest consecutive sequence path in a binary tree.
26. Binary Tree Upside Down: Upside down a binary tree.
27. Binary Tree Pruning: Remove nodes from a binary tree that do not contribute to any path sum.
28. Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal: Perform a vertical order traversal of a binary tree.
29. Binary Tree Camouflage: Find the maximum number of camouflages a tree has.
30. Binary Tree Right Node: Check if there is a right node in the tree.

Intermediate Level: View

Advanced Level: View