
Level: Beginner

1. What does PHP stand for?
2. How do you start a PHP script?
3. How do you comment in PHP?
4. What is the correct way to end a PHP statement?
5. How do you print output in PHP?
6. How do you declare a variable in PHP?
7. What are the basic data types in PHP?
8. How do you concatenate strings in PHP?
9. What is the difference between single quotes ('') and double quotes ("") in PHP?
10. How do you create a function in PHP?
11. How do you call a function in PHP?
12. What is an array in PHP?
13. How do you create an indexed array in PHP?
14. How do you access elements in an array in PHP?
15. How do you loop through an array in PHP?
16. What is an associative array in PHP?
17. How do you add elements to an associative array in PHP?
18. How do you access elements in an associative array in PHP?
19. What is a multidimensional array in PHP?
20. How do you loop through a multidimensional array in PHP?
21. What is the difference between == and === in PHP?
22. How do you handle form data in PHP?
23. How do you use sessions in PHP?
24. How do you set cookies in PHP?
25. How do you handle file uploads in PHP?
26. What are PHP superglobal variables? Give examples.
27. How do you include one PHP file in another PHP file?
28. How do you handle errors in PHP?
29. How do you connect to a MySQL database using PHP?
30. How do you execute an SQL query in PHP?
31. How do you fetch data from a MySQL database in PHP?
32. How do you secure your PHP application?
33. How do you validate user input in PHP?
34. What is the ternary operator in PHP? Give an example.
35. How do you redirect to another page in PHP?
36. How do you handle sessions in PHP?
37. How do you send email using PHP?
38. How do you handle exceptions in PHP?
39. What is the difference between include and require in PHP?
40. How do you use namespaces in PHP?
41. How do you handle NULL values in PHP?
42. How do you declare constants in PHP?
43. How do you use the foreach loop in PHP?
44. How do you check if a variable is set in PHP?
45. How do you get the length of a string in PHP?
46. How do you convert a string to lowercase in PHP?
47. How do you get the current date and time in PHP?
48. How do you format dates in PHP?
49. How do you generate random numbers in PHP?
50. How do you sort an array in PHP?

Intermediate Level: View

Advanced Level: View