
Level: Advanced

1. Describe the principles and benefits of using React SSR (Server-Side Rendering). How does it differ from client-side rendering?
2. Explain the concept of React Fiber. How does React Fiber improve the rendering process and handle large component trees?
3. How do you implement custom rendering logic using React's render props pattern? Provide an example.
4. Describe the principles of Concurrent Mode in React. How does Concurrent Mode improve the user experience in applications?
5. How do you optimize performance in React applications using memoization techniques with useMemo and useCallback hooks?
6. Explain the purpose of using Error Boundaries in React. How do you implement and customize Error Boundaries for better error handling?
7. Describe the principles and implementation of React Hooks. Provide examples of custom hooks and their use cases.
8. How do you manage complex state in React applications using advanced patterns like reducer functions with useReducer hook?
9. Explain the principles of rendering optimization in React. How do you use techniques like shouldComponentUpdate or React.memo for optimization?
10. How do you implement a virtualized list (e.g., infinite scroll) in a React application to efficiently render large datasets?
11. Describe the principles and implementation of Server Components in React. How do Server Components enhance server-side rendering capabilities?
12. How do you handle state synchronization and data consistency in a multi-component React application using advanced state management techniques?
13. Explain the principles of Code Splitting and Dynamic Imports in React. How do you implement lazy loading of components and modules?
14. Describe the purpose of Suspense and Lazy Loading in React. How do you use Suspense to manage asynchronous rendering and data fetching?
15. How do you integrate GraphQL with a React application using Apollo Client or Relay? Discuss the benefits and challenges of using GraphQL.
16. Explain the concept of state management patterns like Flux and Redux. How do you integrate Redux with a React application for global state management?
17. Describe the principles and benefits of using React Router v6 for navigation and routing in a single-page application (SPA).
18. How do you implement advanced animations and transitions in a React application using libraries like Framer Motion or React Spring?
19. Explain the principles of Test-Driven Development (TDD) in React. How do you write unit tests and integration tests for React components?
20. Describe the principles of Design Patterns in React applications (e.g., Container Components, Higher-Order Components, Render Props).
21. How do you handle complex forms with nested fields and dynamic form elements in React? Discuss validation, submission, and state management strategies.
22. Explain the principles and implementation of Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with React and frameworks like Next.js or Gatsby.js.
23. How do you optimize the build and deployment process of a React application using tools like Webpack, Babel, and CI/CD pipelines?
24. Describe the principles of performance monitoring and optimization in React applications. How do you use tools like React Profiler or Chrome DevTools for optimization?
25. How do you implement fine-grained authorization and access control in a React application, integrating with backend services and managing roles and permissions?
26. Explain the principles of formik in React. How do you use Formik for building and managing complex forms with validation and error handling?
27. How do you implement Real-Time Updates and WebSockets in a React application? Discuss techniques for maintaining real-time data synchronization.
28. Describe the principles and implementation of Accessibility (a11y) in React applications. How do you ensure your components are accessible to all users?
29. How do you handle complex data flows and state mutations in a React application using advanced patterns like Redux Thunks or Sagas?
30. Explain the principles and implementation of React Context API for state management and sharing data across nested components.
31. How do you implement server-side data fetching and data hydration in a React application with SSR (Server-Side Rendering) using libraries like Apollo or Relay?
32. Describe the principles of Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) in the context of React applications. How do you implement offline support and caching strategies?
33. How do you implement automated testing for React applications, including unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing using tools like Jest and Cypress?
34. Explain the principles of secure coding practices in React applications. How do you mitigate common security vulnerabilities like XSS and CSRF attacks?
35. Describe the principles and benefits of using TypeScript with React. How do you set up a React project with TypeScript and integrate type checking?
36. How do you integrate third-party libraries and APIs with a React application, ensuring compatibility, performance, and maintaining code quality?
37. Explain the principles and implementation of Micro-Frontends with React. How do you build modular, independently deployable frontend components?
38. How do you handle global state and cross-component communication in a large-scale React application using patterns like React Query or Redux Toolkit?
39. Describe the principles and implementation of Dependency Injection in React applications. How do you manage dependencies and improve code maintainability?
40. How do you implement complex routing and navigation patterns in a React application using nested routes, route guards, and authentication checks?
41. Explain the principles and implementation of GraphQL subscriptions in a React application. How do you manage real-time updates and notifications?
42. How do you implement advanced data visualization and charting in a React application using libraries like D3.js or Chart.js?
43. Describe the principles and implementation of Localization and Internationalization (i18n) in React applications. How do you support multiple languages and locales?
44. How do you implement full-text search and filtering functionality in a React application, optimizing performance and user experience?
45. Explain the principles and implementation of SSR (Server-Side Rendering) hydration and rehydration in a React application for optimal performance and SEO.
46. How do you implement fine-grained performance optimizations in a React application, including lazy loading, code splitting, and minimizing bundle size?
47. Describe the principles of data caching and state normalization in React applications using tools like Redux Persist or Apollo Client cache.
48. How do you handle authentication flows (e.g., OAuth2, JWT) and secure API communication in a React application, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality?
49. Explain the principles and implementation of Microservices architecture with React. How do you build and integrate frontend components in a microservices ecosystem?
50. How do you implement advanced SEO strategies and optimizations in a React application, ensuring content discoverability and search engine ranking?

Beginner Level: View

Advanced Level: View