
Level: Intermediate

1. How do you create a responsive webpage using HTML?
2. Explain the purpose of the <meta> viewport tag in HTML.
3. What are data attributes in HTML? Give an example.
4. How do you embed a video using the <video> tag with multiple sources?
5. Explain the difference between <article> and <section> tags.
6. How do you create a responsive navigation menu in HTML?
7. What are HTML entities? Provide examples of commonly used entities.
8. How do you create custom data attributes in HTML5?
9. Explain the difference between <fieldset> and <div> tags in HTML forms.
10. How do you create a progress bar in HTML?
11. What is the purpose of the <details> and <summary> elements in HTML5?
12. How do you create a multi-column layout using HTML and CSS?
13. Explain the use of the <canvas> element in HTML5.
14. How do you use the <meter> element to display a gauge in HTML?
15. What is the purpose of the <dialog> element in HTML5?
16. How do you embed an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) in HTML?
17. Explain the use of the download attribute in <a> tags.
18. How do you create responsive images in HTML?
19. What are the <nav>, <header>, <section>, and <aside> elements used for in a modern HTML layout?
20. How do you implement lazy loading of images in HTML?
21. Explain the purpose of the <time> element in HTML5 and its attributes.
22. How do you use the <object> tag to embed external content in HTML?
23. What are the differences between <strong>, <b>, <em>, and <i> tags in HTML?
24. How do you create a tooltip using HTML and CSS?
25. Explain the purpose of the role attribute in HTML elements.
26. How do you use the <picture> element for responsive images?
27. What is the <template> element in HTML5 used for?
28. How do you create a sticky footer in HTML and CSS?
29. Explain the use of the translate attribute in HTML.
30. How do you create custom checkboxes and radio buttons in HTML?
31. What is the purpose of the defer and async attributes in <script> tags?
32. How do you embed an audio file using the <audio> tag with multiple sources?
33. Explain the use of the <ruby> and <rt> tags in HTML for displaying annotations.
34. How do you create a responsive table in HTML?
35. What is the purpose of the <iframe> element in HTML?
36. How do you implement HTML5 form validation using attributes like required, pattern, and min/max?
37. Explain the difference between the <abbr> and <acronym> tags in HTML.
38. How do you embed a YouTube video in an HTML page?
39. What are the <address> and <cite> tags used for in HTML?
40. How do you create a carousel or slider using HTML and CSS?
41. Explain the use of the crossorigin attribute in HTML.
42. How do you implement drag-and-drop functionality in HTML5?
43. What are the benefits of using semantic HTML elements?
44. How do you use the <progress> element to create a progress bar in HTML5?
45. Explain the purpose of the autocomplete attribute in HTML forms.
46. How do you create a responsive image gallery using HTML and CSS?
47. What are the advantages of using <picture> over <img> for responsive images?
48. How do you implement a responsive design without using frameworks like Bootstrap?
49. Explain the difference between client-side and server-side image maps in HTML.
50. How do you create a custom dropdown menu using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript?

Beginner Level: View

Advanced Level: View