
Level: Advanced

1. How do you implement server-side rendering (SSR) with HTML?
2. Explain the purpose and implementation of Web Components in HTML.
3. How do you integrate HTML with WebGL for 3D graphics rendering?
4. What are the benefits of using Content Security Policy (CSP) in HTML documents?
5. How do you implement a responsive design using CSS Grid and Flexbox in HTML?
6. Explain the role of ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes in making HTML content accessible.
7. How do you implement lazy loading of iframes in HTML?
8. What are the security considerations when embedding external content using <object> and <iframe> tags?
9. How do you use the <picture> element with <source> tags to serve different image formats based on browser support?
10. Explain the implementation of client-side templating in HTML using JavaScript frameworks.
11. How do you create a custom HTML5 video player with features like custom controls and playback speed adjustment?
12. What are the performance implications of using <script> tags in the <head> versus <body> of an HTML document?
13. How do you implement responsive images with art direction in HTML?
14. Explain the role of the <link> tag with rel="preload" in optimizing resource loading in HTML documents.
15. How do you integrate HTML with WebSockets for real-time communication?
16. What are the SEO best practices related to HTML structure and metadata?
17. How do you implement server-side includes (SSI) in HTML documents?
18. Explain the use of the <details> and <dialog> elements in creating interactive content in HTML.
19. How do you implement HTML microdata for enhancing search engine results?
20. What are the differences between <iframe>, <object>, and <embed> tags in HTML for embedding external content?
21. How do you create a multi-language website using HTML and language-specific attributes?
22. Explain the implementation of responsive typography in HTML using CSS units and media queries.
23. How do you use the <track> element to add subtitles and captions to HTML5 video elements?
24. What are the considerations for implementing dark mode support in HTML and CSS?
25. How do you implement a sticky sidebar using CSS and HTML?
26. Explain the use of the <link> tag with rel="preconnect" for optimizing resource loading in HTML documents.
27. How do you implement HTML push notifications using the Notification API?
28. What are the security risks associated with embedding third-party scripts in HTML documents?
29. How do you implement a full-page background image that scales with the viewport size in HTML?
30. Explain the implementation of lazy loading for CSS files in HTML documents.
31. How do you implement HTML5 form validation with custom error messages and styling?
32. What are the considerations for implementing infinite scrolling using HTML and JavaScript?
33. How do you use the <meta> tag with http-equiv="refresh" for automatic page redirection in HTML?
34. Explain the implementation of HTML responsive email templates with inline CSS.
35. How do you integrate HTML with server-side rendering frameworks like Node.js for dynamic content generation?
36. What are the security considerations when using the rel="noopener" attribute in <a> tags with target="_blank"?
37. How do you implement HTML5 geolocation features for location-based services?
38. Explain the implementation of HTML shadow DOM for encapsulating custom HTML elements.
39. How do you create a custom HTML5 audio player with features like playlists and streaming support?
40. What are the considerations for implementing a content delivery network (CDN) for serving HTML assets?
41. How do you implement HTML sanitization to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks?
42. Explain the implementation of HTML prefetching using the <link> tag for faster page navigation.
43. How do you use the <map> and <area> tags to create client-side image maps in HTML?
44. What are the accessibility considerations when implementing HTML5 semantic elements like <header>, <nav>, <main>, <footer>, etc.?
45. How do you implement HTML responsive images with art direction and density switching?
46. Explain the implementation of HTML lazy loading for images and iframes using the loading attribute.
47. How do you implement HTML responsive tables with features like column hiding and sorting?
48. What are the considerations for implementing HTML prefetching with HTTP/2 server push?
49. How do you use the <label> tag and associated attributes for improving accessibility in HTML forms?
50. Explain the implementation of HTML offline web applications using service workers and the Cache API.

Beginner Level: View

Advanced Level: View