
Level: Intermediate

1. Implement BFS to solve the "Word Ladder" problem.
2. Write a function to find the shortest path in a weighted graph with non-negative weights using BFS.
3. Implement a function to solve the "Knight's Tour" problem using BFS.
4. Write a function to find the shortest path in a grid with portals using BFS.
5. Implement a function to solve the "Jump Game" problem using BFS.
6. Write a function to find the shortest path in a grid with multiple sources and destinations using BFS.
7. Implement a function to find the shortest path in a binary matrix with obstacles using BFS.
8. Write a function to solve the "Minimum Jumps to Reach End" problem using BFS.
9. Implement a function to solve the "Rotting Oranges" problem using BFS.
10. Write a function to find the shortest path in a grid with keys and locks using BFS.
11. Implement a function to solve the "Open the Lock" problem using BFS.
12. Write a function to find the minimum number of steps to reach the end of a grid with traps using BFS.
13. Implement a function to find the shortest path in a directed graph using BFS.
14. Write a function to solve the "Bus Routes" problem using BFS.
15. Implement a function to find the shortest path in a grid with weights using BFS.
16. Write a function to solve the "Escape a Large Maze" problem using BFS.
17. Implement a function to find the shortest path in a graph with negative weights using BFS.
18. Write a function to solve the "Sliding Puzzle" problem using BFS.
19. Implement a function to find the shortest path in a grid with teleportation portals using BFS.
20. Write a function to solve the "Minimum Number of Steps to Convert One String to Another" problem using BFS.
21. Implement a function to find the shortest path in a grid with forbidden cells using BFS.
22. Write a function to solve the "Alien Dictionary" problem using BFS.
23. Implement a function to find the shortest path in a graph with multiple starting points using BFS.
24. Write a function to solve the "Shortest Path in Binary Matrix" problem using BFS.
25. Implement a function to find the shortest path in a grid with special move rules using BFS.
26. Write a function to solve the "Parallel Courses" problem using BFS.
27. Implement a function to find the shortest path in a maze with locked doors using BFS.
28. Write a function to solve the "Network Delay Time" problem using BFS.
29. Implement a function to find the shortest path in a grid with weighted obstacles using BFS.
30. Write a function to solve the "Race Car" problem using BFS.

Beginner Level: View

Advanced Level: View