
Level: Advanced

1. Implement a function to solve the "Cheapest Flights Within K Stops" problem using BFS.
2. Write a function to solve the "Shortest Path Visiting All Nodes" problem using BFS.
3. Implement a function to solve the "Find the Closest Leaf in a Binary Tree" problem using BFS.
4. Write a function to solve the "Jump Game IV" problem using BFS.
5. Implement a function to solve the "Minimum Cost to Reach Destination in Time" problem using BFS.
6. Write a function to solve the "Reachable Nodes in Subdivided Graph" problem using BFS.
7. Implement a function to solve the "Shortest Path to Get All Keys" problem using BFS.
8. Write a function to solve the "Minimum Number of Flips to Convert Binary Matrix to Zero Matrix" problem using BFS.
9. Implement a function to solve the "Shortest Path to Form String by Concatenating Array Words" problem using BFS.
10. Write a function to solve the "Minimum Moves to Reach Target with Rotations" problem using BFS.
11. Implement a function to solve the "Shortest Path in a Grid with Obstacles Elimination" problem using BFS.
12. Write a function to solve the "Transform to Chessboard" problem using BFS.
13. Implement a function to solve the "Minimum Number of Operations to Convert Binary Tree to Zero Tree" problem using BFS.
14. Write a function to solve the "Find the Minimum Number of Fibonacci Numbers Whose Sum Is K" problem using BFS.
15. Implement a function to solve the "Minimum Number of Refueling Stops" problem using BFS.
16. Write a function to solve the "Minimum Number of Flips to Convert Binary Matrix to Identity Matrix" problem using BFS.
17. Implement a function to solve the "Shortest Path to Reach Target Node with Weighted Edges" problem using BFS.
18. Write a function to solve the "Minimum Number of Moves to Make All Elements Equal in a Grid" problem using BFS.
19. Implement a function to solve the "Find the Longest Path in a Binary Matrix" problem using BFS.
20. Write a function to solve the "Minimum Time to Collect All Apples in a Tree" problem using BFS.
21. Implement a function to solve the "Shortest Path to Reach All Nodes in a Graph" problem using BFS.
22. Write a function to solve the "Minimum Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero" problem using BFS.
23. Implement a function to solve the "Find the Longest Path with Alternating Colors" problem using BFS.
24. Write a function to solve the "Shortest Path in a Grid with Consecutive Moves" problem using BFS.
25. Implement a function to solve the "Maximum Number of Non-Overlapping Subarrays with Sum Equals Target" problem using BFS.
26. Write a function to solve the "Shortest Path in a Grid with Restricted Moves" problem using BFS.
27. Implement a function to solve the "Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram" problem using BFS.
28. Write a function to solve the "Shortest Path to Reach Destination with Specific Move Rules" problem using BFS.
29. Implement a function to solve the "Minimum Number of Steps to Make All Elements Equal in a Matrix" problem using BFS.
30. Write a function to solve the "Maximum Number of Non-Overlapping Subarrays with Product Less Than K" problem using BFS.

Beginner Level: View

Advanced Level: View