
Level: Intermediate

1. How do you create a stacked bar chart using Matplotlib?
2. How do you create a grouped bar chart using Matplotlib?
3. How do you create a dual-axis plot (plot with two y-axes) using Matplotlib?
4. How do you customize the ticks and labels on an axis in a Matplotlib plot?
5. How do you create a logarithmic scale plot using Matplotlib?
6. How do you annotate specific points with text on a Matplotlib plot?
7. How do you add annotations with arrows to specific points on a Matplotlib plot?
8. How do you plot a trendline (linear regression line) on a scatter plot using Matplotlib?
9. How do you create a filled area plot (area chart) using Matplotlib?
10. How do you create a step filled area plot using Matplotlib?
11. How do you plot multiple subplots with shared x-axis or y-axis using Matplotlib?
12. How do you create a 3D surface plot using Matplotlib?
13. How do you customize the colormap and shading of a 3D surface plot in Matplotlib?
14. How do you plot a 3D wireframe plot using Matplotlib?
15. How do you create a filled 3D contour plot using Matplotlib?
16. How do you create a subplot grid with different sized subplots using Matplotlib?
17. How do you create a polar scatter plot using Matplotlib?
18. How do you customize the radial ticks and labels in a polar plot using Matplotlib?
19. How do you plot multiple histograms on the same plot using Matplotlib?
20. How do you create a histogram with cumulative counts using Matplotlib?
21. How do you plot a bar chart with error bars using Matplotlib?
22. How do you create a violin plot with split violins using Matplotlib?
23. How do you plot a grouped box plot using Matplotlib?
24. How do you create a dendrogram plot using Matplotlib?
25. How do you create a mosaic plot using Matplotlib?
26. How do you create a Q-Q plot (quantile-quantile plot) using Matplotlib?
27. How do you plot a waterfall chart using Matplotlib?
28. How do you create a radar chart (spider plot) using Matplotlib?
29. How do you create a timeline plot using Matplotlib?
30. How do you plot a scatter plot matrix (pair plot) using Matplotlib?
31. How do you create a stacked area plot using Matplotlib?
32. How do you plot a bivariate KDE plot (2D kernel density estimate) using Matplotlib?
33. How do you create a contour plot with labeled contours using Matplotlib?
34. How do you create a hexbin plot (hexagonal binning) using Matplotlib?
35. How do you plot a heatmap with hierarchical clustering using Matplotlib?
36. How do you create a streamplot with varying line color using Matplotlib?
37. How do you create a quiver plot with varying arrow sizes using Matplotlib?
38. How do you plot a geographic map with markers using Matplotlib?
39. How do you create an animated plot using Matplotlib?
40. How do you plot a joyplot (ridge plot) using Matplotlib?
41. How do you create a beanplot using Matplotlib?
42. How do you plot a volcano plot using Matplotlib?
43. How do you plot a waterfall chart with cumulative values using Matplotlib?
44. How do you create a funnel plot using Matplotlib?
45. How do you plot a windrose plot using Matplotlib?
46. How do you create a Venn diagram using Matplotlib?
47. How do you plot a sankey diagram using Matplotlib?
48. How do you create a parallel coordinates plot using Matplotlib?
49. How do you plot a ternary plot using Matplotlib?
50. How do you create a mosaic plot with hierarchical data using Matplotlib?

Beginner Level: View

Advanced Level: View