
Level: Advanced

1. Explain the differences between ES5, ES6 (ES2015), and later versions of ECMAScript.
2. How do you implement currying and partial application in JavaScript?
3. Explain the concept of function memoization with examples in JavaScript.
4. How do you implement the Observer pattern using JavaScript?
5. What are the differences between JavaScript closures and lexical scoping?
6. How do you implement a binary search algorithm in JavaScript?
7. Explain the differences between shallow copy and deep copy of objects in JavaScript.
8. How do you implement a doubly linked list in JavaScript?
9. What are the differences between synchronous and asynchronous JavaScript code execution? Provide examples.
10. How do you implement a Promise-based retry mechanism for asynchronous operations in JavaScript?
11. Explain the differences between WebSockets and AJAX in JavaScript.
12. How do you optimize JavaScript code for performance? Provide techniques and examples.
13. What are the differences between imperative and functional programming paradigms in JavaScript?
14. How do you implement a pub-sub pattern using JavaScript?
15. Explain the differences between the Prototype and Class-based inheritance in JavaScript.
16. How do you handle circular references in JSON parsing and serialization in JavaScript?
17. What are the differences between const and immutability in JavaScript?
18. How do you implement a binary tree data structure in JavaScript?
19. Explain the differences between memoization and dynamic programming in JavaScript.
20. How do you use Web Workers for parallel processing in JavaScript?
21. What are the differences between ECMAScript modules (import/export) and CommonJS modules (require/module.exports) in JavaScript?
22. How do you implement lazy loading of modules in JavaScript?
23. Explain the differences between ArrayBuffer and TypedArray in JavaScript.
24. How do you implement reactive programming using RxJS in JavaScript?
25. What are the differences between virtual DOM and real DOM in JavaScript frameworks?
26. How do you implement a functional reactive programming (FRP) paradigm in JavaScript?
27. Explain the differences between memoization and caching in JavaScript.
28. How do you implement a garbage collection mechanism in JavaScript?
29. What are the differences between the async library and native async/await in JavaScript?
30. How do you implement a priority queue data structure in JavaScript?
31. Explain the differences between server-side JavaScript (Node.js) and client-side JavaScript (browser environment).
32. How do you implement a finite state machine (FSM) in JavaScript?
33. What are the differences between WeakMap and Map in JavaScript?
34. How do you implement cross-domain communication using postMessage() in JavaScript?
35. Explain the differences between functional programming and object-oriented programming paradigms in JavaScript.
36. How do you implement an LRU (Least Recently Used) cache in JavaScript?
37. What are the differences between WebGL and Canvas API in JavaScript?
38. How do you implement a Bloom filter in JavaScript?
39. Explain the differences between static typing and dynamic typing in JavaScript.
40. How do you implement error handling and logging in a production JavaScript application?
41. What are the differences between reactive programming and observer pattern in JavaScript?
42. How do you implement internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) in JavaScript applications?
43. Explain the differences between shadow DOM and regular DOM in JavaScript.
44. How do you optimize JavaScript code for search engine optimization (SEO)?
45. What are the differences between the module pattern and revealing module pattern in JavaScript?
46. How do you implement lazy evaluation in JavaScript?
47. Explain the differences between optimistic and pessimistic updates in JavaScript applications.
48. How do you implement a trie data structure in JavaScript?
49. What are the differences between SSR (Server-Side Rendering) and CSR (Client-Side Rendering) in JavaScript frameworks?
50. How do you implement continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) for JavaScript projects?

Beginner Level: View

Advanced Level: View