
Level: Intermediate

1. Implement DFS to solve the "Word Ladder" problem.
2. Write a function to find the strongly connected components (SCCs) in a directed graph using DFS.
3. Implement a function to find articulation points in a graph using DFS.
4. Write a function to find bridges in a graph using DFS.
5. Implement a function to solve the "Maze Problem" using DFS.
6. Write a function to perform topological sorting of a directed acyclic graph (DAG) using DFS.
7. Implement a function to find the Hamiltonian Path in a graph using DFS.
8. Write a function to find the Hamiltonian Cycle in a graph using DFS.
9. Implement a function to solve the "N-Queens Problem" using DFS.
10. Write a function to solve the "Sudoku Solver" problem using DFS.
11. Implement a function to find the longest increasing path in a matrix using DFS.
12. Write a function to find the number of islands in a 2D grid using DFS.
13. Implement a function to solve the "Knight's Tour" problem using DFS.
14. Write a function to find the longest path in a DAG using DFS.
15. Implement a function to find the Eulerian Path in a graph using DFS.
16. Write a function to find the Eulerian Cycle in a graph using DFS.
17. Implement a function to find the number of distinct islands in a 2D grid using DFS.
18. Write a function to find the largest island in a 2D grid using DFS.
19. Implement a function to find all paths from a source to a destination in a graph using DFS.
20. Write a function to check if a graph is bipartite using DFS.
21. Implement a function to solve the "M Coloring Problem" using DFS.
22. Write a function to find the mother vertex in a graph using DFS.
23. Implement a function to find the longest common ancestor in a DAG using DFS.
24. Write a function to solve the "Subset Sum Problem" using DFS.
25. Implement a function to solve the "Combination Sum Problem" using DFS.
26. Write a function to find the maximum area of an island in a 2D grid using DFS.
27. Implement a function to find the perimeter of an island in a 2D grid using DFS.
28. Write a function to find the maximum sum path in a binary tree using DFS.
29. Implement a function to solve the "Partition Equal Subset Sum" problem using DFS.
30. Write a function to find the maximum product path in a matrix using DFS.

Beginner Level: View

Advanced Level: View