
Level: Advanced

1. Write a function to find the k-th smallest element in a union of two sorted arrays using Binary Search.
2. Implement a function to solve the "Divide Chocolate" problem using Binary Search.
3. Write a function to find the k-th smallest number in a sorted matrix using Binary Search.
4. Implement a function to find the minimum time to complete all tasks given time to perform each task using Binary Search.
5. Write a function to find the k-th smallest prime fraction using Binary Search.
6. Implement a function to solve the "Aggressive Cows" problem using Binary Search.
7. Write a function to find the minimum speed to reach a destination on time given speeds and distances using Binary Search.
8. Implement a function to solve the "Find the Smallest Divisor Given a Threshold" problem using Binary Search.
9. Write a function to find the maximum profit in a job scheduling problem using Binary Search.
10. Implement a function to find the k-th largest element in an unsorted array using Binary Search.
11. Write a function to find the k-th missing positive number in a sorted array using Binary Search.
12. Implement a function to find the k-th smallest element in a sorted matrix using Binary Search.
13. Write a function to find the minimum difference between the sum of elements in two arrays using Binary Search.
14. Implement a function to find the median of two sorted arrays using Binary Search.
15. Write a function to solve the "Minimum Number of Days to Make m Bouquets" problem using Binary Search.
16. Implement a function to find the maximum number of consecutive values that can be formed using a given array of coins with Binary Search.
17. Write a function to find the minimum difference between the maximum and minimum number of pages in m books using Binary Search.
18. Implement a function to find the minimum largest sum among m subarrays using Binary Search.
19. Write a function to find the k-th smallest product of two sorted arrays using Binary Search.
20. Implement a function to find the maximum sum of non-overlapping subarrays with a given length using Binary Search.
21. Write a function to find the k-th smallest element in a row-wise and column-wise sorted matrix using Binary Search.
22. Implement a function to solve the "Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days" problem using Binary Search.
23. Write a function to solve the "Maximize Distance to Closest Person" problem using Binary Search.
24. Implement a function to find the minimum cost to merge stones into one pile using Binary Search.
25. Write a function to find the minimum maximum distance between houses placed on a street using Binary Search.
26. Implement a function to find the k-th smallest number in multiplication tables using Binary Search.
27. Write a function to find the minimum number of steps to make two strings equal using Binary Search.
28. Implement a function to find the maximum profit in a job scheduling problem using Binary Search.
29. Write a function to solve the "Split Array Largest Sum" problem using Binary Search.
30. Implement a function to find the k-th smallest number in a sorted array of sorted arrays using Binary Search.

Beginner Level: View

Advanced Level: View