Cpp Structures

In C++, a structure (struct) is a composite data type that allows you to group together variables of different data types under a single name. It is similar to a class in C++, but unlike classes, structures do not support member functions or access control (public, private, protected). Structures are primarily used for grouping data members, and the data within a structure can be accessed directly.

struct Student {
    int rollNumber;
    char name[50];
    int age;
    float marks;

In this example, we've defined a structure named Student. It contains four data members:

  1. rollNumber of type int
  2. name of type character array (char[50]) to store the student's name
  3. age of type int
  4. marks of type float

You can then declare and initialize variables of this structure type:

Student student1; // Declare a variable of the Student structure
student1.rollNumber = 101; // Initialize its members
strcpy(student1.name, "John Doe");
student1.age = 20;
student1.marks = 85.5;

You can also define and initialize a structure variable in one line:

Student student2 = {102, "Alice Smith", 19, 92.5};

Accessing the members of a structure is straightforward:

cout << "Student 1 Roll Number: " << student1.rollNumber << endl;
cout << "Student 1 Name: " << student1.name << endl;
cout << "Student 1 Age: " << student1.age << endl;
cout << "Student 1 Marks: " << student1.marks << endl;

Structures are useful for organizing related data into a single unit. For example, you might use structures to represent complex data types like points in 3D space, dates, or records in a database. They can be passed as arguments to functions, returned from functions, and stored in arrays or other data structures.


using namespace std;

struct Date {
    int day;
    int month;
    int year;

void printDate(const Date& date) {
    cout << "Date: " << date.day << "/" << date.month << "/" << date.year << endl;

int main() {
    Date today = {27, 10, 2023};

    Date birthday;
    birthday.day = 15;
    birthday.month = 5;
    birthday.year = 1995;

    return 0;