Cpp Constants

1. Literal Constants:

Literal constants are fixed values that appear directly in your code.

int num = 42;           // Integer literal constant
double pi = 3.141592;   // Floating-point literal constant
char ch = 'A';          // Character literal constant

2. Named Constants (const):

Named constants are created using the const keyword. They provide a way to give a name to a constant value, making the code more readable and maintainable.

const int maxItems = 100;

3. Enumeration Constants (enum):

Enumeration constants are user-defined constants created using the enum keyword. They represent a set of named integer values.

enum Color { Red, Green, Blue };
Color myColor = Green;

4. Constant Expressions:

You can create constant expressions using the constexpr keyword. These are evaluated at compile-time.

constexpr int square(int x) {
    return x * x;
int result = square(5);  // Evaluated at compile-time

5. Preprocessor Macros (#define):

Preprocessor macros define constants using the #define directive. These are replaced with their values during preprocessing.

#define PI 3.14159265
double circleArea = PI * radius;

6. User-Defined Literal Constants:

You can create your own user-defined literals in C++. This allows you to define custom constants with specific meanings and units.

constexpr long double operator"" _km(long double value) {
    return value * 1000.0;
long double distance = 5.0_km; // Represents 5000.0

7. String Literals:

String literals, enclosed in double quotes, represent constant character arrays (C-strings).

const char* greeting = "Hello, World!";

8. Global Constants:

Constants declared outside of functions have global scope and can be accessed throughout the program.

const int GLOBAL_CONSTANT = 100;

Remember that C++ provides various types of constants to suit different needs. The use of named constants (const and enum) is generally encouraged to improve code readability and maintainability. Additionally, constexpr and user-defined literals are powerful features in C++ for creating compile-time constants and custom units of measurement, respectively.