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Topic: Stack-question / Level: Beginner
181. Write a function to create a stack of integers from user input.
182. Implement a function to merge three stacks while preserving their order.
183. Write a function to generate a stack of prime numbers.
184. Implement a function to find the largest element that appears more than once in a stack.
185. Write a function to calculate the average of the top N elements in a stack.
186. Implement a function to perform basic arithmetic operations using a stack.
187. Write a function to find the longest increasing subsequence in a stack.
188. Implement a function to find the longest decreasing subsequence in a stack.
189. Write a function to count how many elements in a stack are greater than a specific value.
190. Implement a function to create a stack of random integers.
191. Write a function to push and pop elements based on user input.
192. Implement a function to find the minimum element in a stack that is not a duplicate.
193. Write a function to find the maximum element in a stack that is not a duplicate.
194. Implement a function to swap the bottom two elements of a stack.
195. Write a function to find pairs of elements in a stack that have a difference of a specific value.
196. Implement a function to remove all duplicate elements from a stack.
197. Write a function to check if the elements of a stack are in ascending order.
198. Implement a function to check if the elements of a stack are in descending order.
199. Write a function to simulate a stack-based memory management system.
200. Implement a function to create a stack of mixed data types and perform operations.
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