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Topic: Stack-question / Level: Advanced
401. Implement a function to find the smallest element in a stack in O(1) time.
402. Write a function to reverse a stack using recursion.
403. Implement a stack that supports push, pop, top, and retrieving the minimum element in constant time.
404. Write a function to evaluate a mathematical expression in postfix notation with error handling.
405. Implement a function to sort a stack using another stack.
406. Write a function to check if a stack is a permutation of another stack.
407. Implement a function to find the longest valid parentheses substring in a string using a stack.
408. Write a function to implement a priority stack that retrieves the highest priority item.
409. Implement a function to calculate the maximum depth of nested parentheses.
410. Write a function to implement a two-stack queue.
411. Implement a function to check if a stack can be sorted with a limited number of auxiliary stacks.
412. Write a function to create a stack that keeps track of the maximum element.
413. Implement a function to find the longest common subsequence between two strings using a stack.
414. Write a function to implement a min-max stack.
415. Implement a function to find all valid combinations of parentheses using a stack.
416. Write a function to detect a cycle in a stack representation of a linked list.
417. Implement a function to evaluate infix expressions using the Shunting Yard algorithm.
418. Write a function to check if a stack is a palindrome.
419. Implement a function to merge K sorted stacks into a single sorted stack.
420. Write a function to find the shortest valid parentheses substring.
421. Implement a function to implement a stack that supports duplicate elements while maintaining order.
422. Write a function to find the longest substring without repeating characters using a stack.
423. Implement a function to create a stack that supports range queries.
424. Write a function to find the number of ways to arrange parentheses.
425. Implement a function to find the maximum area of a rectangle in a histogram using a stack.
426. Write a function to evaluate a complex expression with nested operations.
427. Implement a function to check if a string is a valid serialization of a binary tree using a stack.
428. Write a function to calculate the longest increasing subsequence in a stack.
429. Implement a function to generate all possible permutations of a stack using backtracking.
430. Write a function to find the maximum difference between the top two elements of a stack.
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