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Topic: Stack-question / Level: Advanced
491. Implement a function to evaluate a complex expression with nested operations.
492. Write a function to merge multiple sorted stacks into a single sorted stack.
493. Implement a function to check if two stacks have the same elements in the same order.
494. Write a function to create a stack that maintains the order of elements based on a custom comparator.
495. Implement a function to calculate the maximum product of two elements in a stack.
496. Write a function to evaluate a mathematical expression with nested parentheses.
497. Implement a function to find the shortest valid parentheses substring using a stack.
498. Write a function to find the largest rectangle area in a histogram using a stack.
499. Implement a function to find the maximum sum of a contiguous subarray in a stack.
500. Write a function to calculate the longest decreasing subsequence in a stack.
501. Implement a function to check if a stack can be sorted using bubble sort.
502. Write a function to create a stack from a linked list.
503. Implement a function to evaluate an expression in infix notation.
504. Write a function to find the first non-repeating character in a stack.
505. Implement a function to merge overlapping intervals using a stack.
506. Write a function to find the longest palindrome substring in a stack.
507. Implement a function to create a stack that supports range updates.
508. Write a function to calculate the total number of distinct elements in a stack.
509. Implement a function to find the maximum area of a rectangle in a histogram using a stack.
510. Write a function to check if a given stack can be sorted with another stack.
511. Implement a function to perform a level-order traversal of a binary tree using a stack.
512. Write a function to calculate the sum of the first N elements in a stack.
513. Implement a function to find the longest consecutive sequence of integers in a stack.
514. Write a function to check if two stacks are equivalent under different orderings.
515. Implement a function to find the largest prime number in a stack.
516. Write a function to evaluate a mathematical expression in infix notation.
517. Implement a function to calculate the total sum of elements in a stack.
518. Write a function to find the minimum height of a binary search tree using a stack.
519. Implement a function to create a stack that maintains a frequency count of elements.
520. Write a function to find the largest element that appears only once in a stack.
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