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Topic: Linked-list-question / Level: Intermediate
321. Remove all nodes with a given frequency in the linked list.
322. Convert a singly linked list to a balanced binary tree.
323. Convert a circular linked list into a doubly linked list.
324. Reverse the order of nodes between positions m and n.
325. Implement a sorted insertion into a linked list with duplicate values.
326. Sort a circular linked list.
327. Reverse nodes between two given nodes in a linked list.
328. Flatten a linked list where nodes contain another list.
329. Convert a given linked list into a binary search tree.
330. Convert a doubly linked list into a balanced binary search tree.
331. Convert a doubly linked list into a circular doubly linked list.
332. Find the smallest missing positive integer in a linked list.
333. Find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two linked lists.
334. Implement a radix sort using a linked list.
335. Delete the last node of a doubly linked list.
336. Implement an LRU cache using a doubly linked list.
337. Reverse the first k nodes of a circular linked list.
338. Reverse every alternate k nodes in a circular linked list.
339. Remove the middle node of a circular linked list.
340. Find the sum of all even-positioned nodes in a linked list.
341. Find the sum of all odd-positioned nodes in a doubly linked list.
342. Split a doubly linked list into two sorted halves.
343. Delete nodes in a linked list that are multiples of a given value.
344. Delete every nth node in a circular linked list.
345. Find the second smallest element in a circular doubly linked list.
346. Split a linked list into N parts.
347. Find the maximum product of two adjacent nodes in a linked list.
348. Swap the kth node from the beginning with the kth node from the end.
349. Convert a sorted linked list into a balanced binary search tree.
350. Implement a priority queue using a doubly linked list.
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