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Topic: Linked-list-question / Level: Intermediate
291. Sort a linked list using bubble sort.
292. Delete nodes with values in a given range from a linked list.
293. Rearrange nodes in a linked list based on their value relative to x.
294. Rearrange a doubly linked list to have alternating even-odd nodes.
295. Insert a node into a linked list with two sorted halves.
296. Find the sum of two linked lists representing numbers.
297. Find the difference between two linked lists representing numbers.
298. Remove nodes that have values larger than x in a doubly linked list.
299. Swap every k-th node of a linked list with its previous node.
300. Detect a loop in a doubly linked list using hashing.
301. Sort a linked list using selection sort.
302. Rotate a doubly linked list counterclockwise by k nodes.
303. Rotate a circular doubly linked list clockwise by k nodes.
304. Reverse the first k nodes of a linked list.
305. Find the maximum node in a doubly linked list.
306. Find the second largest node in a circular doubly linked list.
307. Convert a linked list into a binary tree using level-order traversal.
308. Find the intersection point of two linked lists using two pointers.
309. Delete all nodes that are divisible by a given value.
310. Find the nth prime node in a linked list.
311. Count the number of prime nodes in a linked list.
312. Move all negative numbers to the beginning of the linked list.
313. Rotate the linked list by swapping nodes in pairs.
314. Merge two doubly linked lists by alternating nodes.
315. Delete nodes in the linked list based on value comparison with neighbors.
316. Remove nodes with a sum of adjacent values equal to a given number.
317. Reverse a linked list without using recursion or stack.
318. Implement a deque using a doubly linked list.
319. Implement a circular deque using a doubly linked list.
320. Remove the last node of a circular doubly linked list.
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