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Topic: Hashing-question / Level: Intermediate
261. Write a program to find the maximum sum of a subarray with at most k distinct elements using hashing.
262. Implement a function to find the longest substring with no repeated characters using hashing.
263. Create a hash table to store the mapping of movie titles to their release years.
264. Write a program to find the smallest window in a string that contains all characters of another string using hashing.
265. Implement a function to check if two strings are rotations of each other using hashing.
266. Create a hash map to track the number of shares for different articles.
267. Write a program to find the maximum length of a substring that contains only unique characters using hashing.
268. Implement a function to check if a string is a valid shuffle of two other strings using hashing.
269. Create a hash table to store the mapping of product names to their descriptions.
270. Write a program to find the maximum product of two numbers in an array using hashing.
271. Implement a function to find the common elements between two arrays using hashing.
272. Create a hash map to track the number of visits to different web pages.
273. Write a program to find the longest common substring between two strings using hashing.
274. Implement a function to check if a string can be formed by concatenating substrings of another string using hashing.
275. Create a hash table to store the mapping of student names to their IDs.
276. Write a program to find the maximum frequency of any word in a sentence using hashing.
277. Implement a function to determine if two arrays contain the same elements using hashing.
278. Create a hash map to track the number of points scored by different players in a game.
279. Write a program to find the longest substring that contains at most three distinct characters using hashing.
280. Implement a function to check if a given string is a valid anagram of another string using hashing.
281. Create a hash table to store the mapping of song titles to their artists.
282. Write a program to find the first unique character in a string using hashing.
283. Implement a function to check if a string contains balanced parentheses using hashing.
284. Create a hash map to track the number of unique items in an online shopping cart.
285. Write a program to find the longest substring that contains only uppercase letters using hashing.
286. Implement a function to find all pairs of integers in an array that sum to a specific target using hashing.
287. Create a hash table to store the mapping of book titles to their genres.
288. Write a program to determine if a given string contains a valid bracket sequence using hashing.
289. Implement a function to find the longest sequence of consecutive integers in an array using hashing.
290. Create a hash map to track the number of items sold for different categories.
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