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Topic: Hashing-question / Level: Intermediate
231. Write a program to find the length of the longest substring with the same character occurring at least k times using hashing.
232. Implement a function to find all unique characters in a string using hashing.
233. Create a hash table to store the IDs and prices of products in an online store.
234. Write a program to find the most frequently occurring element in an array using hashing.
235. Implement a function to check if a given set of parentheses is valid using a hash set.
236. Create a hash map to track the number of times a character appears in a string.
237. Write a program to find the longest substring that contains only digits using hashing.
238. Implement a function to check if two strings are isomorphic using hashing.
239. Create a hash table to store timestamps and their corresponding event names.
240. Write a program to find all subsets of a set using hashing.
241. Implement a function to find the longest consecutive elements sequence in an unsorted array using hashing.
242. Create a hash map to track the number of unique products sold on an e-commerce platform.
243. Write a program to determine if there is a valid path in a grid using hashing.
244. Implement a function to find the longest substring that starts and ends with the same character using hashing.
245. Create a hash table to store URLs and their corresponding page titles.
246. Write a program to find the longest substring that is a palindrome using hashing.
247. Implement a function to check if a given array can form a palindrome using hashing.
248. Create a hash map to track the number of students enrolled in different courses.
249. Write a program to find the unique numbers in an array using hashing.
250. Implement a function to check if a string can be formed from a dictionary of words using hashing.
251. Create a hash table to store the mapping of state names to their capitals.
252. Write a program to find the longest subsequence of increasing numbers in an array using hashing.
253. Implement a function to find all duplicates in an array using hashing.
254. Create a hash map to track the number of likes on different social media posts.
255. Write a program to find the longest substring that contains at most two repeating characters using hashing.
256. Implement a function to determine if two strings can be made equal by rearranging their characters using hashing.
257. Create a hash table to store the scores of different teams in a sports league.
258. Write a program to check if a string is a valid number using hashing.
259. Implement a function to find the longest substring of vowels in a given string using hashing.
260. Create a hash map to track the total revenue generated by different products.
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