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Topic: Algorithm-conceptual-questions / Level: Intermediate
291. Explain the concept of a geometric algorithm.
292. How can you efficiently search in a rotated sorted array?
293. What is a median of medians algorithm?
294. Describe the significance of the master theorem in algorithm analysis.
295. What is a dynamic programming table, and how is it used?
296. How do you find the longest palindrome substring using dynamic programming?
297. What is the significance of a skip list in data structures?
298. Explain how to use depth-first search to solve the maze problem.
299. What are the differences between deterministic and non-deterministic algorithms?
300. Describe the significance of a binomial heap in priority queues.
301. How does the stable sort property benefit sorting algorithms?
302. Explain the concept of a sparse table.
303. What is a randomized selection algorithm?
304. Describe how to implement a topological sort using Kahn’s algorithm.
305. What is the significance of the complexity class P?
306. Explain how to perform a binary search on a sorted array.
307. What is the significance of the Turing machine in algorithm theory?
308. Describe the process of creating a decision tree from training data.
309. What are the advantages of using a hybrid sorting algorithm?
310. Explain the significance of the longest common substring problem.
311. How does the Rabin-Karp algorithm handle hash collisions?
312. What is a lazy evaluation strategy in algorithms?
313. Describe how to implement a simple spell checker using algorithms.
314. What are the benefits of using a segment tree for range queries?
315. Explain how to implement a graph using an incidence matrix.
316. What is the significance of the Cook-Levin theorem in complexity theory?
317. How do you find the kth smallest element in an unsorted array?
318. Describe the significance of the Euclidean algorithm for GCD computation.
319. What is the difference between a function's worst-case and average-case performance?
320. Explain how to find strongly connected components in a directed graph.
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