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Topic: Algorithm-conceptual-questions / Level: Intermediate
231. What is the significance of the pigeonhole principle in combinatorial problems?
232. Explain the concept of dynamic connectivity in graphs.
233. How does the top-down and bottom-up approach differ in dynamic programming?
234. What is the concept of a convex hull, and how is it computed?
235. Describe the significance of the Johnson’s algorithm in graph theory.
236. How do you implement a disjoint-set data structure?
237. Explain the concept of a network flow and its applications.
238. What is the difference between a directed and an undirected graph?
239. Describe a simple backtracking algorithm for solving the n-queens problem.
240. What is the significance of graph bipartiteness, and how can it be determined?
241. Explain how to use dynamic programming to solve the longest common subsequence problem.
242. What is the role of heuristics in algorithm design?
243. Describe how to implement a LRU (Least Recently Used) cache.
244. What is the significance of pathfinding algorithms in game development?
245. Explain how the Rabin-Karp algorithm works for string matching.
246. What is the difference between a graph’s adjacency matrix and adjacency list representation?
247. Describe how to find the maximum flow in a network using the Edmonds-Karp algorithm.
248. What is a potential function in the context of amortized analysis?
249. Explain the concept of a decision tree and its uses in machine learning.
250. What is the significance of the Boyer-Moore string search algorithm?
251. How can you solve the coin change problem using dynamic programming?
252. Describe a randomized algorithm and its benefits.
253. What is the significance of a suffix array in string processing?
254. Explain how to calculate the longest increasing subsequence in a sequence.
255. What is a randomized quicksort, and how does it improve performance?
256. Describe how to detect cycles in a directed graph.
257. What is the significance of the Cut Property in minimum spanning trees?
258. Explain the concept of a heuristic search algorithm.
259. What is the role of a greedy algorithm in solving optimization problems?
260. How can the pigeonhole principle be applied in algorithm design?
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