Aniket The Programmer
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# Class to represent an account
class Account:
def __init__(self, accountNumber, pin, balance):
self.accountNumber = accountNumber = pin
self.balance = balance
accounts = []
accountCount = 0
# Function to create a new account
def createAccount(accountNumber, pin, initialBalance):
global accountCount
if accountCount < MAX_ACCOUNTS:
accounts.append(Account(accountNumber, pin, initialBalance))
accountCount += 1
print("Account created successfully!")
print("Cannot create more accounts. Limit reached.")
# Function to find an account by account number
def findAccount(accountNumber):
for i, account in enumerate(accounts):
if account.accountNumber == accountNumber:
return i # Return the index of the account if found
return -1 # Return -1 if account not found
# Function to simulate a withdrawal
def withdraw(accountIndex, amount):
if accounts[accountIndex].balance >= amount:
accounts[accountIndex].balance -= amount
print(f"Withdrawal successful. Remaining balance: ${accounts[accountIndex].balance:.2f}")
print("Insufficient funds!")
# Function to simulate a deposit
def deposit(accountIndex, amount):
accounts[accountIndex].balance += amount
print(f"Deposit successful. New balance: ${accounts[accountIndex].balance:.2f}")
# Function to display account balance
def displayBalance(accountIndex):
print(f"Account Number: {accounts[accountIndex].accountNumber}")
print(f"Current Balance: ${accounts[accountIndex].balance:.2f}")
# Creating a sample account
print("Enter Account Number:")
acc_no = int(input())
print("Enter Account Pin:")
acc_pin = input()
print("Enter Account Starting Balance:")
init_balance = float(input())
createAccount(acc_no, acc_pin, init_balance)
choice = 0
while choice != 2:
print("\nWelcome to Mini ATM")
print("1. Login")
print("2. Exit")
choice = int(input("Enter choice: "))
if choice == 1:
print("Enter account number: ")
accountNumber = int(input())
print("Enter PIN: ")
pin = input()
accountIndex = findAccount(accountNumber)
if accountIndex != -1 and accounts[accountIndex].pin == pin:
option = 0
while option != 4:
print("\n1. Withdraw")
print("2. Deposit")
print("3. Check Balance")
print("4. Logout")
option = int(input("Enter option: "))
if option == 1:
amount = float(input("Enter amount to withdraw: "))
withdraw(accountIndex, amount)
elif option == 2:
amount = float(input("Enter amount to deposit: "))
deposit(accountIndex, amount)
elif option == 3:
elif option == 4:
print("Logged out.")
print("Invalid option")
print("Invalid account number or PIN")
elif choice == 2:
print("Invalid choice")