Aniket The Programmer
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Source Code
from datetime import date
# make function to calculate age
def AgeCalculate(gender, birth_date, birth_month, birth_year):
today =
current_date =
current_month = today.month
current_year = today.year
months = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
if birth_date > current_date:
current_date = current_date + months[birth_month-1]
current_month = current_month - 1
if birth_month > current_month:
current_year = current_year - 1
current_month = current_month + 12
calculated_date = current_date - birth_date
calculated_month = current_month - birth_month
calculated_year = current_year - birth_year
print(f"Your Age Year : {calculated_year} Month : {calculated_month} Day : {calculated_date}")
# for fun
if (gender == "m") and (18 < calculated_year < 28):
print("You are se*y boy :)")
if (gender == "f") and (18 < calculated_year < 28):
print("You are se*y girl :)")
print("Welcome to age calculator")
gender = input("Enter your gender m for male and f for female ")
birth_date = int(input("Enter your birth date "))
birth_month = int(input("Enter your birth month "))
birth_year = int(input("Enter your birth year "))
# calling function
AgeCalculate(gender, birth_date, birth_month, birth_year)