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Topic: Two-pointers-question / Level: Advanced
521. Check if an array can be sorted with at most one swap.
522. Given two linked lists, find the starting node of the intersection point.
523. Count the number of valid words in a string based on a dictionary.
524. Find the longest substring of a string that contains at most two types of characters.
525. Check if a binary search tree is balanced using a two-pointer technique.
526. Determine if a number can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers.
527. Find the maximum sum of a contiguous subarray using Kadane's algorithm.
528. Count the number of unique substrings in a string.
529. Given a string, find the longest valid parentheses substring using the two-pointer technique.
530. Check if two strings are anagrams using character frequency.
531. Implement a function to find the longest substring that contains all unique characters.
532. Find the smallest substring that contains all characters of another string.
533. Count the number of valid configurations of brackets in a string.
534. Given an array of integers, find the maximum product of any three integers.
535. Check if a sequence of numbers can form a geometric progression.
536. Count the number of ways to rearrange the characters of a string to form palindromes.
537. Given two sorted arrays, find the median of both.
538. Check if a binary tree is complete.
539. Count the number of unique paths in a grid with obstacles.
540. Implement a function to find the longest increasing subsequence using dynamic programming.
541. Determine if a number can be expressed as the sum of two perfect squares.
542. Count the number of palindromic substrings that can be formed from a given string.
543. Given an array, find the maximum sum of a non-contiguous subarray.
544. Check if a linked list is a palindrome using the two-pointer technique.
545. Find the length of the longest subsequence of unique characters in an array.
546. Count the number of valid words in a string based on a dictionary.
547. Implement a function to find the intersection of two arrays.
548. Check if a sequence of characters can be converted into a palindrome using the two-pointer technique.
549. Find the maximum area of a rectangle formed by two lines in a 2D plane.
550. Count the number of valid configurations of brackets for n pairs of parentheses.
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