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Topic: Sliding-window-technique-question / Level: Beginner
91. Given a string, count the number of distinct characters in every window of size k.
92. Find the longest substring that contains all the letters of the alphabet.
93. Given an array, find the count of elements less than or equal to k in every window of size k.
94. Find the maximum length of a substring with an even number of distinct characters.
95. Given a string, find the longest substring that has balanced brackets.
96. Find the maximum number of vowels in any window of size k.
97. Count the number of substrings of a certain length that are anagrams of each other.
98. Given an array, find the smallest subarray that has at least k distinct elements.
99. Find the length of the longest substring that contains alternating characters.
100. Given a string, find the longest substring that starts and ends with the same character.
101. Find the maximum length of a contiguous subarray with odd sums.
102. Count the number of unique substrings in a given string using a sliding window.
103. Given an array, find the minimum length of a subarray that has an even sum.
104. Find the maximum number of characters in any substring that can be converted to lowercase.
105. Given a string, find the length of the longest substring that does not contain any digits.
106. Find the maximum sum of elements in every window of size k in a circular array.
107. Count the number of palindromic substrings of a certain length in a given string using sliding window.
108. Given an array, find the maximum length of a subarray with at least k odd numbers.
109. Find the longest substring of a string that contains at least one digit.
110. Given a string, find the minimum length of a substring that contains at least k unique characters.
111. Find the first k-length substring that contains no vowels.
112. Given an array, count the number of elements greater than or equal to k in every window of size k.
113. Find the length of the longest substring that contains at least k consecutive characters.
114. Given a string, count the number of distinct palindromic substrings in it.
115. Find the longest substring of a string that has no adjacent repeating characters.
116. Given an array, find the minimum number of swaps required to group all odd numbers together.
117. Find the maximum length of a contiguous subarray with even sums.
118. Count the number of unique substrings of a certain length in a given string using sliding window.
119. Given an array, find the maximum length of a subarray with at least k even numbers.
120. Find the longest substring of a string that contains at least one uppercase letter.
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