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Topic: Searching-question / Level: Intermediate
351. Implement a program that searches for a value in a sorted linked list.
352. Write a function that counts how many vowels are in a string.
353. Create an algorithm to find the longest sequence of elements that appear in order.
354. Implement a function that checks if a string is a valid email address.
355. Write a program to find the total number of unique elements in a linked list.
356. Create a function that finds the longest common substring of two strings.
357. Implement an algorithm that searches for the largest sum of any contiguous subarray.
358. Write a program that checks if a sequence can be partitioned into k subsets.
359. Create a function that counts how many times a specific word appears in a paragraph.
360. Implement a program that searches for the longest increasing path in a matrix.
361. Write a function that finds the maximum sum of a subarray that contains at least one element.
362. Create an algorithm to check if two strings are anagrams using character counts.
363. Implement a program that searches for the first missing number in a sequence.
364. Write a function that finds the longest repeating sequence in a list.
365. Create a function that checks if a binary tree is symmetric.
366. Implement an algorithm that searches for the smallest number in a rotated sorted array.
367. Write a program to find the largest square of 1s in a binary matrix.
368. Create a function that counts the frequency of each character in a string.
369. Implement a program that searches for the maximum length of a substring with distinct characters.
370. Write a function that finds the total number of distinct elements in a sorted array.
371. Create an algorithm that checks if a string contains a valid URL.
372. Implement a program that searches for the longest consecutive sequence of numbers in a list.
373. Write a function to find the maximum value in a binary tree.
374. Create a function that counts how many times a target appears in a sorted list.
375. Implement an algorithm that searches for the first non-repeating character in a string.
376. Write a program that checks if two strings are the same after ignoring case.
377. Create a function that finds the first unique element in an array.
378. Implement a program that searches for the largest sum of any two numbers in an array.
379. Write a function to find the longest path from the root to the leaf in a binary search tree.
380. Create an algorithm that checks if a binary tree is a valid AVL tree.
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