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Topic: Dynamic-programming-question / Level: Beginner
91. Write a program to find the longest substring with at most k distinct characters.
92. Create a program to find the maximum sum of k elements from an array.
93. Implement a program to find the minimum number of cuts needed to divide a string into palindromes.
94. Write a function to compute the longest increasing subsequence in a list of strings based on their lengths.
95. Create a program to find the minimum number of operations to make two strings equal.
96. Implement a function to determine the number of unique ways to traverse a grid with obstacles.
97. Write a program to find the maximum sum of an increasing subsequence in a 2D array.
98. Create a function to count the number of ways to arrange books on a shelf with some restrictions.
99. Implement a program to find the longest palindrome in a given string.
100. Write a function to find the minimum number of squares that sum up to a given number.
148. Write a program to find the maximum product of two numbers formed by splitting an array.
149. Create a function to determine the minimum cost to reach the end of an array with given costs.
150. Implement a program to compute the longest palindromic substring in a string using dynamic programming.
151. Write a function to find the minimum number of coins needed to make change for a given amount using dynamic programming.
152. Create a program to find the maximum profit from stock prices given in an array where you can buy and sell multiple times.
153. Implement a function to find the longest common subsequence of three strings.
154. Write a program to count the number of distinct subsequences of a string.
155. Create a function to find the maximum sum of an increasing subsequence in an array with duplicates.
156. Implement a program to find the longest increasing subsequence of three arrays.
157. Write a function to find the minimum number of deletions required to make two strings anagrams.
158. Create a program to compute the longest palindromic substring in a string using dynamic programming.
159. Implement a function to find the maximum length of a valid parentheses substring in a given string.
160. Write a program to find the maximum number of tasks that can be completed given their start and finish times.
161. Create a function to find the longest increasing subsequence in a list of numbers.
162. Implement a program to find the minimum number of operations needed to convert one string into another using dynamic programming.
163. Write a function to count the number of ways to partition a number into distinct parts.
164. Create a program to find the maximum sum of a subarray that meets a specific condition.
165. Implement a function to find the minimum cost to paint a fence with k colors without adjacent fences sharing the same color.
166. Write a program to find the longest palindrome in a given string using dynamic programming.
167. Create a function to compute the maximum product of two numbers formed by splitting an array.
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