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Topic: Cpp-conceptual-questions / Level: Advanced
401. What is the purpose of move semantics in C++11, and how do they improve performance?
402. Explain the role of std::tuple and its advantages over std::pair.
403. How does the C++ memory model differ from other programming languages?
404. What are the implications of const correctness in C++?
405. How do you implement a thread-safe queue in C++?
406. Explain the use of the volatile keyword in concurrent programming.
407. What are the differences between stack and heap allocation in C++?
408. How do you implement custom memory allocators in C++?
409. What is the significance of the std::enable_if template in SFINAE?
410. How do you use variadic templates to create a flexible function?
411. Explain the concept of perfect forwarding in C++.
412. What is the role of type traits in generic programming?
413. How do you implement compile-time polymorphism using CRTP (Curiously Recurring Template Pattern)?
414. What are the benefits of using std::shared_mutex in concurrent programming?
415. How do you use std::variant for type-safe unions?
416. What is the purpose of std::optional and when should it be used?
417. How do you implement a function that accepts any callable type?
418. Explain the differences between dynamic_cast and static_cast in C++.
419. What is the purpose of std::atomic and its role in multithreading?
420. How do you create a custom exception hierarchy in C++?
421. Explain how to write a type-safe interface for a logging system.
422. How do you implement a coroutine in C++20?
423. What is the significance of the noexcept specifier in C++?
424. How do you manage resource ownership in C++ using smart pointers?
425. What are the key principles of the RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) idiom?
426. How do you implement a simple C++ reflection mechanism?
427. Explain the differences between std::function, std::bind, and lambdas.
428. How do you implement a thread pool in C++?
429. What is the significance of std::shared_ptr and its performance implications?
430. How do you use std::unique_ptr for implementing a resource manager?
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