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Topic: Cpp-conceptual-questions / Level: Advanced
551. What is the purpose of std::bitset and how is it used?
552. How do you manage thread safety in C++ applications?
553. Explain the significance of the static_cast operator.
554. How do you create a simple logging system in C++?
555. What are the best practices for writing reusable C++ code?
556. How do you implement a simple command-line calculator in C++?
557. What is the significance of std::filesystem in modern C++?
558. How do you implement a basic file reader/writer in C++?
559. Explain the role of std::any in type-safe storage.
560. How do you create a simple command-line argument parser?
561. What are the differences between std::forward_list and std::list?
562. How do you implement a multi-threaded sorting algorithm in C++?
563. What is the purpose of std::make_unique and when should it be used?
564. How do you use C++ exceptions to manage errors in a program?
565. Explain the significance of std::lock_guard in mutex management.
566. How do you implement a simple web crawler in C++?
567. What are the key principles of functional programming in C++?
568. How do you manage version control in C++ projects?
569. What is the significance of the friend keyword in class design?
570. How do you create a simple data serialization library in C++?
571. Explain the differences between std::copy and std::move.
572. How do you implement a simple multi-threaded download manager?
573. What are the advantages of using std::unordered_map for key-value storage?
574. How do you implement a simple thread pool in C++?
575. Explain the use of std::vector for dynamic arrays.
576. How do you create a simple CLI application in C++?
577. What is the purpose of std::reference_wrapper and how is it used?
578. How do you implement a basic image processing application in C++?
579. Explain the differences between std::list and std::vector.
580. How do you create a simple multi-threaded application using C++?
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