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Topic: Array-question / Level: Intermediate
261. Write a program to calculate the prefix sum of an array.
262. Write a program to check if one array is a rotation of another array.
263. Write a program to find the smallest subarray that contains all elements of another array.
264. Write a program to find the common elements in three sorted arrays.
265. Write a program to find all permutations of an array.
266. Write a program to find the number of ways to climb stairs with 1 or 2 steps.
267. Write a program to find the first non-repeating character in a string using an array.
268. Write a program to find the total number of distinct elements in an array.
269. Write a program to find the second largest element in an array.
270. Write a program to find the maximum sum rectangle in a 2D array.
271. Write a program to find the longest palindrome in a string using dynamic programming.
272. Write a program to find the longest common subsequence of two strings.
273. Write a program to check if a given array contains a triplet that sums up to zero.
274. Write a program to generate all subsets of a set using backtracking.
275. Write a program to find the longest valid parentheses substring in a string.
276. Write a program to calculate the product of all elements in an array except the current one.
277. Write a program to find the longest increasing subsequence in a matrix.
278. Write a program to find the longest substring with at most two distinct characters.
279. Write a program to find the largest square of 1s in a binary matrix.
280. Write a program to find the longest increasing subsequence in a given sequence of integers.
281. Write a program to find the maximum sum of non-adjacent elements in an array.
282. Write a program to find the minimum number of operations required to make two arrays equal.
283. Write a program to check if an array can be rearranged to form an arithmetic progression.
284. Write a program to find the longest sequence of consecutive elements in an unsorted array.
285. Write a program to find the number of ways to make change for a given amount using an array of denominations.
286. Write a program to find the maximum sum of any contiguous subarray using Kadane's algorithm.
287. Write a program to implement a stack using an array.
288. Write a program to find the longest subsequence that is also a palindrome.
289. Write a program to check if an array can be sorted using a single swap.
290. Write a program to find the number of paths from the top-left to the bottom-right of a grid.
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