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Binary Tree
Topic: C-question / Level: Advanced
400. Write a program to implement a red-black tree.
401. Write a program to implement a B-tree.
402. Write a program to find the shortest path in a directed graph using the A* algorithm.
403. Write a program to implement the Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) string matching algorithm.
404. Write a program to solve the traveling salesman problem using dynamic programming.
405. Write a program to find all strongly connected components in a directed graph using Tarjan's algorithm.
406. Write a program to implement a disjoint set (Union-Find) data structure.
407. Write a program to implement a LRU (Least Recently Used) cache using a doubly linked list.
408. Write a program to solve the Sudoku puzzle using backtracking.
409. Write a program to implement the Dijkstra algorithm for finding the shortest path in a weighted graph.
410. Write a program to find the longest palindromic substring using dynamic programming.
411. Write a program to solve the maximum flow problem using the Ford-Fulkerson method.
412. Write a program to implement a Trie (prefix tree) for searching strings.
413. Write a program to perform a topological sort on a directed graph.
414. Write a program to implement the Prim's algorithm for finding the minimum spanning tree.
415. Write a program to implement the Kruskal's algorithm for finding the minimum spanning tree.
416. Write a program to solve the N-Queens problem using backtracking.
417. Write a program to find the maximum sum of non-adjacent elements in an array using dynamic programming.
418. Write a program to find the longest increasing subsequence in an array using binary search.
419. Write a program to implement the Bellman-Ford algorithm for finding shortest paths in a graph.
420. Write a program to count the number of islands in a 2D grid using DFS/BFS.
421. Write a program to implement an AVL tree with insertion and deletion operations.
422. Write a program to find the longest common subsequence of two strings using dynamic programming.
423. Write a program to find the median of a data stream using heaps.
424. Write a program to implement a segment tree for range queries.
425. Write a program to implement a Fenwick tree (Binary Indexed Tree).
426. Write a program to solve the coin change problem using dynamic programming.
427. Write a program to find the k-th largest element in an unsorted array using quickselect.
428. Write a program to solve the maximum subarray problem using Kadane's algorithm.
429. Write a program to implement a hash table with open addressing.
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