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Topic: Backtracking-question / Level: Intermediate
201. Generate all permutations of a given string.
202. Solve the N-Queens problem.
203. Find all subsets of a given set.
204. Solve the Sudoku puzzle.
205. Generate all combinations of a given set of numbers.
206. Solve the maze problem with obstacles.
207. Generate all valid parentheses combinations for n pairs.
208. Find all unique permutations of a list with duplicates.
209. Solve the word search problem in a grid.
210. Generate all possible ways to place knights on a chessboard.
211. Find all Hamiltonian paths in a graph.
212. Solve the K-sum problem using backtracking.
213. Generate all combinations of a string with repeated characters.
214. Solve the problem of placing rooks on a chessboard.
215. Generate all valid IP addresses from a string of digits.
216. Solve the problem of word breaks in a string.
217. Find all unique combinations of numbers that sum to a target.
218. Generate all arrangements of a list of tasks with dependencies.
219. Solve the problem of partitioning a string into palindromic substrings.
220. Generate all possible subsets of a list of numbers.
221. Solve the problem of generating all valid combinations of brackets.
222. Find all distinct subsequences of a string.
223. Generate all combinations of coins to make change for a target value.
224. Solve the problem of placing queens on a chessboard without attacking each other.
225. Find all unique paths in a grid from the top left to bottom right.
226. Generate all possible ways to arrange a list of books on a shelf.
227. Solve the problem of generating all possible paths in a directed acyclic graph.
228. Find all valid combinations of digits to form a specific target number.
229. Generate all possible assignments of tasks to workers.
230. Solve the problem of generating all valid combinations of substrings from a string.
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